Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Love is Life

The Cliffwalk is a Newport toursit must see, which also happens to go along Salve's campus. Mr. Newport and I spent many walks on the cliffwalk, so it was a must on our list for engagement pictures. The views are just unbelievably gorgeous. It was kind of funny to be walking the cliffwalk while having our photo taken. It kind of felt like paparazzi. I actually didn't even notice him most of the time, it wasn't until we were on the cliffwalk and other people were walking by that it felt a little funny, but then after a minute, you just get used to it. Although Dave made us feel super comfortable, I'm glad I don't really have photograpers following me around all the time!
If you look closely at the photo below, above the bridge, it says "Love is Life", this is probably my favorte part on the cliffwalk, I first noticed the quote on a walk during my freshman year.Dave found this tree between the cliffwalk and Salve and decided to take a few shots, little did I realize ants were all over the tree. Mr. Newport did notice, but thought I'd freak out and we wouldn't get a good shot, so he decided to wait and tell me this after the shoot.....
Here we are leaning up against the ant tree.....Thanks Mr. Newport ;)
Did you feel like you had paparazzi following you during your engagement shoot? Did you like it, or was it a little weird?

All photos credited to: David Bibeault


Nicole-Lynn said...

They turned out great! Oh no about the ant tree, I would have freaked too!:)

Cathleya said...

Very cute! I love them!

LauraAnn said...

I love that last picture! Very cute!

Jen said...

Very cute!! Love them

Shoshanah said...

They all turned out so good! I think my favorite is the first one

starfish said...

Thanks! :)