Like my engagment party, the party theme started with one object- A cake (mine was a cupcake). Sister Newport found a cake in the shape of a Tiffany's box. She is a pretty laid back bride and tells us to do whatever, in every aspect of the wedding, but she told me she really wanted this at the shower. As soon as I saw it a lightbulb went off.

Martha Stewart and the Today show threw a Breakfast at Tiffany's themed wedding and featured it in the Martha Stewart Weddings magazine. I went through my magazine stack and found it! I showed it to my mom and ideas started spinning. Don't you just love Martha?
Inspiration from Martha:

My sister knows nothing about the shower, but I told her it is going to amazing, so she is having her wedding photographers come to the shower to take some pictures! This works out perfectly because we are setting up a photo booth area with props from the movie, another Martha idea! I've already started picking items up at the bulk jewlery places in Manhattan, NY. They are great for cheap jewlery, especially the places near Macy's!
Here are some examples from the photo area at the Martha Stewart Tiffany's wedding:

I'm trying to come up with fun invitations. I'm debating between using Audrey Hepburn on the invite or a Tiffany's box with movie inspired quotes.
Quotes for inspiration from Breakfast at Tiffany's
"I don't want to own anything until I find a place where me and things go together. I'm not sure where that is but I know what it is like. It's like Tiffany's."
"That's right. I'm just CRAZY about Tiffany's!"
"Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am?"
The Details
Location: Upscale hotel in downtown Boston
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Invites: TBD
Guestlist: About 50 women and the groom
Menu: Breakfast items, mimosas and cake
Decor: Gold linens, flower centerpieces-pink and white, movie posters
Entertainment: Classical music and a dress up photo are still in the works...ideas?
Game prizes: Breakfast at Tiffany's DVD and considering other items from the Martha example
Favors: Personalized m&m's in mini "Tiffany" style boxes
Anyone else do a Tiffany themed shower? What did you do for decor?
Anyone have any thoughts on invites, decor, shower games?